Creative Evening

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Our own Peter Merrick will be hosting and judging an informal competition to explore club members creative flair. You could experiment with your camera, perhaps multiple exposures, Intentional Camera Movement, very slow or fast shutter speed, out of focus, unusual angles, or abstract topics etc. You could also try out different post production processes, multi… Read More »

Knock Out Competition

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Always a fun evening, come along to be entertained. Full details will be provided nearer the time.

Let’s Talk Photography

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Two of the Club's most experienced members, Peter Merrick and Steve White, discuss and share their thoughts and images with club members. An evening which promises to be informative and thought provoking. 

Table Top Evening

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Bring your cameras along with you tonight for this hands on Club night and have a go at taking photos at various table top set ups in the Deall Room. Club members will be on hand to provide hints and tips on camera settings during this practical evening.

Annual Dinner

Save the date. Venue TBA

Mobile Phone Competition

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

An informal evening where members will be able to submit and view images taken on mobile phones. Further details will be circulated nearer the time. 

Textures and Layers

Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Peter Merrick will explain and demonstrate how he uses textures and layers to enhance his images.  

Photoshoot Evening

A practical evening during which Steve White will demonstrate and assist members with various photographic techniques in low light situations.  Please meet in the Southwick Community centre car park at 7pm and be prepared to walk to locations in the vicinity. This event is weather dependant, so please check you email nearer to the date.



This years AGM will be held via ZOOM. Details to be advised nearer the time.

Summer Picnic

Provisional date for our Summer picnic. Bring you own camping chair and food and drink for this popular end of season social. Venue TBA.

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