Open PDI Competition
Southwick Community Centre Deall Room, Southwick, West Sussex, United KingdomOur first competition of the season starts with Round 1 of Open PDI competition. All images will be judged in one group by Steve Lawrenson APAGB ARPS.
Our first competition of the season starts with Round 1 of Open PDI competition. All images will be judged in one group by Steve Lawrenson APAGB ARPS.
Round one of our Open Print competition will take place tonight. Please remember to fix the updated labels in the top left hand corner on the back of the prints. Remember you can enter up to three prints. Prints will be judged by Paul O'Toole, ARPS.
The first set subject PDI competition is "Life on Earth" which will be judged by Eddie Lord. There are no definitions or suggestions being issued this year for set subject competitions, so there is no limit to your creativity.
Round 2 of the Open PDI Competition. The evening will be judged by Faith Lee LRPS.
Come along to the Deall Room for Round 2 of the Open Print competition. You can enter up to 3 prints this evening. Our judge will be Malcolm Bull from Steyning.
Predominant Colour is the set subject for Round 2 of this PDI competition. No definitions, but remember that the judge, Steve McKie, will need to be satisfied that your images meet this condition.
Round 3 of the Open PDI competition will be held via ZOOM. Our judge this evening will be Sally Sallett ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3*.
Round 3 of the Open Print competition takes place tonight. Just a reminder that club members can enter up to 3 prints on any subject. Our judge tonight will be Wayne Grundy ARPS.
The challenge set for the 3rd round of the set subject PDI competition is Far and/or Wide. Be as creative as you wish. The judge tonight is Stella Michaels BA (Hons) Cert Ed.
The 4th and final round of the Open PDI takes place tonight in the Deall Room. The judge tonight is Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE AFIAP APACB.
The final round of the Open Print competition takes place tonight. The judge will be Gerald Kitiyakara LRPS.
Photographic technique is the final set subject PDI competition for the season. You can use any photographic technique you wish. However, for this competition, your image title should include the technique used, in the form "Image Name_photographic technique". So, the name of your JPEG image file should be in the form "Image Name_photographic technique by… Read More »