Competition Rules – General

On admission to the club every member will be allocated a competition/membership number which will be retained throughout their membership. This number enables them to participate in Club competitions and is to be used to identify each member’s entries in all competitions and exhibitions, with the proviso that their subscription is fully paid up.

The club has one competition group, with members being allocated into one of three levels, GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE depending upon their ranking as a result of their competition scores in the previous year. New members are of course welcome to enter all competitions but will be ungraded for their first year of entry. On competition nights members may if they wish enter their images for ‘Critique only’ where the judge simply comments on the image. This is intended primarily to help new members.

In the spirit of competition, with the exception of Print/PDI of the Year and unless otherwise advised, images may only be used once in club competitions. The Committee requests that you do not enter an image which can be deemed to be the same as or closely similar to one previously entered and reserves the right to disqualify any such image or deduct any points that it may have scored.

Images representing the club at external or inter-club competitions will be selected from those entered in the internal competitions by a selection team nominated by the Committee.

Images consisting of several elements may be entered, but all such elements must be based on the authors own work. For example it is permitted to change the sky in an image, provided that the new sky is based on a photograph taken by the author. Composite or Montage images are permitted, provided all component elements meet this requirement. Entrants must own the copyright of all parts of all images used in any submitted entry. The Club assumes no liability for misuse of copyright. For the avoidance of doubt, the following are NOT allowed: use of images from any other source including, but not limited to: picture elements available within editing software (e.g. replacement elements not taken by the entrant); use of royalty-free images; use of clipart.

By entering competitions, members work becomes available to Southwick Camera Club to use at its discretion.

Conditions for entering PDI Competitions

All images for PDI competitions should be resized to maximum size H1200 x W1920 pixels for landscape images and H1200 x W1200 pixels max for portrait images.

The image file must be in JPEG format and must be titled as follows:

Image Title space by space Club Membership Number space Author

(For example:Red Bus by 99d Joe Bloggs)

It is important that this image titling format is followed for the competition computer software to function correctly.

Unless otherwise directed, each JPEG image must be emailed to the Competitions Secretary at at least one week before the competition together with the name of the competition to which they apply (eg Set Subject PDI Round 2).

Conditions for entering Print Competitions

Unless otherwise directed, prints should be mounted. In the case of aperture mounts a backing board supporting the print should be used. Alternatively prints can simply be glued to the face of a mounting board (float mounted).  The reverse of the mounts should include one of the club’s standard print labels in the top left-hand corner giving at least the following details: Author’s Club Membership Number, Title of the print, Authors Name and Competition Date.

The standard print labels are available for download below.

Print mounts must not exceed the overall standard size of 50cm x 40cm. For both Internal and External competitions, the image may be any size within the 50cm x 40cm mount. 

Unless otherwise directed, details of each entry (preferably accompanied by digital versions of the prints, resized and titled as for PDI competitions [see “D2 Conditions for Entering PDI Competitions” above]) must be emailed to the Competitions Secretary at at least one week before the competition together with the name of the competition to which they apply (eg Print Round 2).  The following details should also be included in the email:

Authors Club Membership Number, Authors Name and Title(s) of the Print(s)

Prints should be brought to the club before 7.30pm on the evening of the competition.

Conditions for entering PDI of the Year & Print of the Year Competitions

Unless otherwise directed: Images for the PDI of the Year competition for a given year must have been entered in a PDI competition during that club year & images for the Print of the Year competition for a given year must have been entered in a Print competition during that club year.

Alterations recommended by the earlier judge are acceptable.